Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Constant Relocation

Different places under stress
City to city and never settle
Never resting, never satisfied
Always meeting, always goodbye
Leaving people in distress

Across the country to the north
Leaving complication, devaluation and corruption
Little children dragged by force
My young life was gradually robbed
From one place to another
With alleged peace from this day forth

Schools gave me an interesting education
No use crying in the class
When I was punished with angry hands
Some will give you stars and others scars
Fortune if someone didn't give a damn
Rules change, people change
The learning and pain stagnant at every relocation

Jobs became colored pins on maps
I did what I could to make some cash
Working hard and learning new ways every time
It is the curse of moving so much
Working days came with caps

Had a girlfriend here and there
Like flowers in a garden
Love and friendship so brief
Blooms began and never fully opened
Lack of water and attention
Petals fall, color fades,
A lasting loving living beauty was rare

Friends are easy to find
And difficult to keep
Many names to learn and retain
Faces fade like pearls in vinegar
Voices lost like water on sand
One or two engrained in mind

Family is temporary
When loyalty is betrayed
The shun takes effect
Cicadas will emerge
Time will eventually decide
Until connection is stationary

I can count the constants of life with one hand
The sun, the moon and the stars up above
My child born with all my love
The thought that I will eventually die
And be once again dust in the land

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Text for Crime

Texting and driving
Not a skill or a privilege
But a crime pending

A crime indeed
But lives can be lost
And so easy to impede

Let the ringtone play
The vibration continue
And no one has to pay

Forget jail or fines
No amount or sentence
Can bring back lives

The facts are real
Statistics are there
From events that don't heal

Don't think drinking is worse
Danger is equally there
Just a different course

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Room for 7: nathan's parents


MR. GARLAND: You know if you feel managing your grandfather's home is too much, you can always move back in. Your room is still your room.

NATHAN: Thanks dad. I find grandpa's house quite convenient. Its close to USC and the firm. 

MRS. GARLAND: Are your roommates giving you any trouble?

NATHAN: Not at all. They are good friends and helpful. Jacob for example is a mechanic and  just did my brakes and did not charged me anything. I did buy the parts. Carmen likes to cook. Eddie, well you have know him since we were kids. Samantha likes to clean the house. Katie is my best friend. Dylan is, well he does not like to clean or cook but he helps all of us when we need something.

MR. GARLAND: You should let me buy you a new car and avoid any major repairs. I don't like the car you drive.

NATHAN: I like Grandpa's BMW. Brakes are disposable items. Any car new or old will need brake pads. Besides, with grandpa out of the country, the car would have been dormant in the garage.

MRS. GARLAND: If you change your mind let us know and we'll go to the Lexus dealer immediately. Also, If you decide the firm is becoming stressful we will support you if you decide to leave.

NATHAN: Mom, I like working for grandpa. If I am going to take over the company when I finish college, then I need to work there and learn everything about Garland Investments. There is nothing stressful about working part-time at my future business. I love grandma and grandpa. If you two cannot get along with them, I should not be placed in the middle. I love all of you. If we are going to have dinner once a week, I would really appreciate it if we could avoid any family-business conversations. Anything else is fine.

MR. GARLAND: Fine, we'll change the topic. If you and Katie decide to be more than friends, make sure you use a condom.


MR. GARLAND: You said talk about any other topic. Add sexual relations to the list then.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Vague Life of a Man

I live in the city
Tall buildings
Large population
And smog a-plenty

I work in a factory
Good products are made
My boss is nice
I keep the inventory

I have a red car
With brand new tires
Fuel efficient
And takes me far

My apartment is small
Two bed, bath and kitchen
A parking spot nearby
And that is all

I like reading books
And watch television
Sometimes go to the gym
Since I worry about my looks

Social media is all right
I have a profile
Videos, messages and friends
Follow me tonight

I met a woman
Had a red purse and dress
Good looking and nice
And perhaps a tan

I have a small family
Parents and siblings
A few friends around
Sometimes I get lonely

I'd like a whiskey on ice
To help me forget
About this hectic life
Another chance to roll the dice

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Room for 7: utilities

NATHAN: Listen up everyone, I have a copy of everything due for this month for each one of you. It will show an equal, consolidated amount we all have to contribute to pay for the bills: Internet, water, gas, electricity, landscaping, trash, and pool maintenance.

(Hands out copies)

JACOB: $42.71. That's all? Cash all right?

NATHAN: I take cash, credit, PayPal, money order, and personal check. Though if the personal check gets rejected you will have to pay the fines associated with it.

EDDIE: Oh man, I only have Bitcoin.

NATHAN: I will look into cryptocurrencies if such method is preferred by you Eduardo.

SANDRA: I think he's kidding Nate.

EDDIE: Please call me "Eddie." Eduardo sounds so formal. It also sounds like when my dad was about to whoop me with the belt. Eduardo!

NATHAN: Ok, Eddie. Give me the money but no later than tomorrow please. I will give you a receipt.

DYLAN: Will it be a paper receipt or electronic?

(Everyone laughs)

NATHAN: Both actually. I have your e-mail addresses in file if you request going paperless.

KATIE: I want to go paperless!

NATHAN: Consider it done.

CARMEN: Not me. I want paper. If you look at my email banner on my phone you'll see over a thousand unread emails.

NATHAN: One thousand? I can't close my phone until I have checked every single one.

JACOB: You read all your e-mails? You are one weird dude. All I do is delete, delete, delete. If I get one from you man, I would probably delete it.

DYLAN: You know what I want to delete? My grades.

SANDRA: I want to delete myself from this centure for I belong in a different era.

EDDIE: Ok Miss Miniver Cheevy...I want to delete what i just heard.

NATHAN: Edwin Arlington Robinson. Very good refrence Edua--Eddie. Can I please have my money?