Monday, April 29, 2019

Dishes and Dreams

The year was 1997 when Pedro crossed the border from Mexico to United States. All his savings were used towards paying off the coyotes. The road from Mexico City to Tijuana was easy. The road from Tijuana to Calexico was challenging. The coyotes lead the way to a small fault on the fence. The coyote crawled under the fence when the sound of an SUV dissipated into the wind. Pedro was the last immigrant to go under the fence. Pedro followed the coyote to a spot behind a bush. They were told to stay down until the next SUV passed them. The coyote said it was important to run as fast as the could and to never look back for any reason and to never stop for anything. When the second SUV passed, the coyote and the immigrants ran as fast as they could towards the other fence. Pedro ran as fast as he could under the cover of darkness. The coyote made it to the other fence. Inches of metal separated Pedro to a better life. The fence was split from the bottom to a few feet to the top. As the coyote opened the panels of the fence, the immigrants entered into the city of Calexico. Once everyone was in, there was no going back. Four strangers crossed together and separated to different cities upon crossing. Pedro's only contact was his brother Joaquin in Anaheim.
     Pedro began the next chapter of his life as a dishwasher in a rather nice restaurant near Joaquin's apartment. He washed dishes, the bathrooms and parts of the kitchen on every shift. When the opportunity to acquire over-time presented, he took it without hesitation.
      All his clothes were purchased at thrift stores. Toiletries were bought at the dollar stores. When a tube of toothpaste reached the limit. Pedro split the tube with a knife and scrapped enough toothpaste for another two brushes. He bought groceries as cheap as possible. The only tine he ate chicken or steak was when the servers or the cooks at the restaurant made mistakes. His favorite was a well-done ribeye or an overcooked chicken breast. He took a cup full cup of coffee from the restaurant to reheat it in the morning. Leftovers were also taken home for his breakfast like soup, bread and side dishes. Aluminum cans were collected everyday on his way to work. Another small but meaningful source of income. Frugal was his life.
     One day on his way to work, Pedro noticed a banner in a high school which read "Free English Classes." Pedro enrolled and began his English education three times a week. It took him two years to learn the English language. Between school, watching movies with subtitles and asking people at work. He moved from being a dishwasher to a cook. His hourly rate increased and bought his first pair of Nikes.
    The teacher responsible of his English education suggested the next step of his education--his GED. The mornings were once again used for school. It was not easy since he was learning several subjects at the same time. Reading, writing, and problem solving increased dramatically. Within a year, he earned his GED.
    Pedro requested the assistance of an immigration lawyer to help him find a path towards legal residency. The lawyer suggested a work sponsorship. The general manager at the restaurant agreed to help him since he was the person who had to vouch for him. After thousands of dollars, paperwork filed, countless signatures and letters from his manager, he received one single letter from immigration for an interview. The interview was a success and Pedro received his long-awaited green card. As soon as he showed the document to his general manager, Pedro became the assistant manager at the restaurant. His salary allowed him to purchase his first car. A silver 2012 Honda Accord.
     The year was 2017. It was time for Pedro to submit his application for citizenship. At the same time he applied for a general manager position at another restaurant. Both applications were submitted the same week. The position for general manager became a reality. He was the person in charge of an entire restaurant. He was the boss. The salary allowed him to buy his first home. His position allowed him to take a vacation and travel. The first place he visited was New York City. He wanted to see the Statue of Liberty because it was the symbol of the American dream. A dream that became a reality. A dream which was further elevated when he passed his citizenship test. When he became a citizen of the United States, he celebrated with his brother Joaquin and his family and his old general manager. They went to a restaurant to celebrate. The plate used for the steak he ordered was similar to the ones he used to wash. He looked at it and reflected on his journey from Mexico to America. He cut into his medium steak and smiled. The End

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