Thursday, April 25, 2019

American Spirit and the Weakening of Democracy

We take a stroll down democracy lane
Forty-five roads, this could be the last
Nothing matters except a chief starving for fame
Even if it means hurting us fast.

This country has seen uprisings and falls
Some at the mercy of wars
Sons and daughters risking their lives
For an era of alternative facts.

Allegations are ending careers in a flash
Many of them losing fame and cash
Yet the chief seems immune to it all
Like a great, beautiful and impenetrable wall.

The most difficult job is the administration
Whatever the chief says or does day and night
Whatever the past has exposed to the world
Requires a face of steel for justification.

Our views have shifted left and right
Arguments get nasty, civil, heavy and light
Whether support or oppose truth or lies
It can change friend and family ties.

A voice is a spell used for love and evil
Fear not, protection is granted by norm
Yet usage is controversial by the ears of us
Causing riots and protests to upheaval.

The chief is a fraction of the American pie
A bicameral power split, unbalanced and stagnant
Places a burden to people and neighbors around
And feels like representation is nothing but lie.

It may seem like a heavy burden
Your voice needs to be heard very loud
Red, blue or whatever you choose
Vote, demand, think, research and stay strong with the crowd.

It doesn't matter what side is chosen
It doesn't matter what beliefs one lives by
It doesn't matter who is in the house
The important thing is the support of each other
And demand rights to keep our country stronger than ever
And keep the spirit of the Constitution at heart
And love the red, white and blue forever.

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