Thursday, March 12, 2020

Humankind versus Coronavirus

2020 is already marked by the coronavirus epidemic. It has infected and killed thousands of people in our planet. This is the perfect time to implement the most important gifts nature has provided for us: our brain and heart. Intellectuals in the field of medicine and biology are the ideal people to find the cure and take care of those who have contracted the virus. We need their expertise to battle and defeat the virus in this biological war. Humankind must be ready to fight the smallest and deadliest enemy we have ever encountered. Casualties are natural. While we try to limit them, it fuels us to attack the virus with aggression. We have an unlimited supply of mindpower and it is the best weapon to defeat it. What about the rest? The reason to live is strengthened by affection, pleasure and romance. Such emotions are only possible with one another. We must help each other to keep this microscopic and malignant enemy from taking away our love and way of life. Help the community by limiting contact while a cure is found. Maintain a high level or personal hygiene to avoid spreading the virus. Call your friends and relatives and make sure they are well and be of assistance if needed. Don't sneeze or cough without covering your mouth. Educate others about the importance of washing hands properly. Don't buy everything in bulk. Leave some for those who really need it. This is not the best time to increase the price of important supplies because nobody should be thinking about profits over a healthy community. If you know a person with financial wealth, urge them to donate whatever they can to help the fight against the virus. If you know someone in with ties to the government, urge them to communicate any updates and allocate the right resources to contain the virus and prevent further expansion. We like to use our phones now more than ever. Use them to communicate healthy hygienic procedures in social media. Post about proper hand-washing procedures. Post uplifting messages to give a little of comfort. Thank those who are helping the people infected and fighting to find a cure. Post whatever necessary to show how much we care and have a heart for compassion and consideration and love.

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