Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Bad Tipper

I have been working in the restaurant industry for over ten years. I am currently a bartender and server at a restaurant in Anaheim, California. Throughout my years in the industry, I have had some really awesome tips and some crappy ones. I have been the best server in the world and received a tip barely worth the cost of two items at the 99 Cent store. I have been the worst server ever and received an awesome tip to make me feel like crap. People are different. They have their own expectations of restaurant service and tip accordingly. Nevertheless, there are trends we servers have picked up regarding the type of person or party and can foresee a good or bad tip (remember, this is my personal opinion and this is what I have seen in my years as a server and bartender):

-American Express Platinum card holders tend to tip like they can't afford the annual maintenance fee.
-People who ask for the price of every single item tend to tip about ten percent of less.
-Those who check every single item in their receipt and call you out for any irregularities usually will not leave a good tip.
-People who make you work like they are the only table in the restaurant and ask for things every two minutes tend to leave a low tip (sometimes but rarely they reward the effort generously).
-Young couples usually tip like they have a limited allowance.
-People from Australia and New Zealand are either really good tippers or don't tip at all. This is because the tip is included in their own restaurants. Many will ask if the tip is included and how much its customary.
-People from the UK tip five percent or less. Almost like they don't like Americans.
-Certain Christians (those who show their religion like wearing a multicolor coat) tend to tip the same percentage of their tithe. There was a server in Missouri who received a note from a pastor which said, "I give God ten percent why should you get 18?"
-Those who get mad for not having a particular item but stay anyway and order something else...well, you know what the outcome will be.
-There are those who don't tip at all. Those people could be anybody and are difficult to predict. Every server has had the zero tipper before one time or another. You are not a server until you experience the zero tipper.
-Just for fun:
      This is just what my coworkers and myself have experienced in the past. We share every complement and complaint with one another. We see the frustration when another server or bartender has experienced a difficult customer or someone who has tipped enough to make us shed tears and curses in the walk-in refrigerator. Remember, we get taxed by the government. Our checks do not reflect our hours worked because of the additional taxes the federal and state governments take. We make up the rest in tips. If you don't believe in tipping, please don't put a note or an excuse to justify your action because quite frankly, we don't care. Also, please don't write a big-fat zero for the tip because it just gets us angrier like we just been punched in the face. Us servers and bartenders know when we provided poor service and a low tip is expected because we are people too. We don't get offended when this happens and know we deserve it. I remember the time I was so busy, I was not able to give good service to one of my tables and expected a low tip or no tip at all. Thankfully I was wrong and they made my day.

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