Monday, August 5, 2019

Steel a Good Alternative

     When I go to Starbucks I usually bring my own stainless steel cup for my iced coffee. Not only do I get ten cents off the price but my drink remains cold for a long time. Or hot if I get regular coffee or a latte. You can also save money on coffee and soda if you bring your own cup at Seven-Eleven.
     I tend to forget my stainless steel cup once in a while and I end up using the conventional plastic cup provided by Starbucks. When this happens, I use the plastic cup all day by refilling it with my daily intake of water. When I began to bring my stainless steel cup to Starbucks, I got the idea of taking it to other establishments like McDonalds. Well, it turns out they don't accept my cup for health reasons or whatever. I get it, they are being precautious. Even though this alternative to their non-reusable cup and straw is the best choice and somewhat eco friendly. Not only McDonalds but many places don't allow the use of personal cups such as Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell, many Mexican and Chinese restaurants. Neither of these places has an obligation to be eco friendly. However, when an establishment wants to play the "save the earth" game, they should consider the best alternative--bringing your own cup. I bought my stainless steel cup for ten dollars at Target. I've had it for over a year and besides the scratches and bumps from daily use, its still keeps my drink hot or cold and prevents me from using plastic or paper alternatives...when the right place allows it. Just imagine if all restaurants would offer a discount when bringing your own cup.
     As far as straws, I think they should just be banned from restaurants altogether. If you really want a straw for your drink, bring your own. They are inexpensive and durable. Just clean them according to the instructions.

(2020 Addition)
     The Coronavirus pandemic made me rethink about this post published last year. While I still enjoy using a reusable beverage container, I understand the importance of preventing the spread of the virus. I know after the world reopens once again, restaurants will never be the same. It will not be optional to bring your own reusable cup to a coffee shop. That ship has sailed. Sanitation is no longer a term for trash removal services but a daily and constant procedure to kill as many germs, bacteria and viruses as possible. Though, the best thing a single individual can do to prevent the spread is daily hand washing.

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