Thursday, April 11, 2019

Creative Writing Study: "The Imaginary City of Knives"

The morning fog slices through the city and turns everything grey and dull. Even though the sun cannot stab its way through the dense fog, the residents rise early and crowd the city to work, study or shop. Those who walk the streets ignore one another as if they fashioned razor-sharp barbed wire around them or held a blade ready to attack any one who made any form of contact. Those who drive cut each other like a hot knife through butter as they were on a race to the bridge or the highway. Once the morning madness ends, the sun carves its way into the city and slowly shaves off the cold, bitter and hectic morning. The sun finally brings healing to the incisions caused by the morning rush with beautiful sights of tall buildings, trees, museums, cafes, the bridge and the blue vast ocean. Nothing can cut tranquility away from the men and women of the city any more. 

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