Friday, August 16, 2019

Room for 7: cappuccino

EDDIE: (comes in) Hey everyone! I brought donuts and coffee.

JACOB: Sweet! Hands off the maple bar.

NATHAN: I was never allowed to consume donuts as a child.

SAMANTHA: You poor thing. Your folks must have had you on croissants and tea.

NATHAN: They did actually.

SAMANTHA: Here. Start with this glazed one. Then work your way up to a bar, baked, jelly, sprinkles, coconut, French curler, sugar, crumb and twist.

KATIE: Wow. You sure know your doughnuts. Is your dad a cop?

SAMANTHA: Just because you see all those cops eating doughnuts on t.v. doesn't mean all of them do. But yes he is.

CARMEN: Did you bring my croissant and cappuccino?

EDDIE: Yeah. The croissant is in the white bag and the cappuccino is right here.

CARMEN:(sips)What the hell is this? This tastes like that cheap powder stuff in that dumb square tin they sell at the ninety-nine cent store.

SAMANATHA: You describe it like you used to drink it every morning.

CARMEN: Unfortunately yes.

EDDIE: I didn't go to Starbucks what'd you expect? This is donut shop cappuccino. They just press the button next to the hot chocolate and down it pours. No steaming required.

JACOB: Not only that but they spell cappuccino with a "K." Hot water and powdery vanilla goodness.

CARMEN: Here Nathan. This will be your first taste of real-cheap donut shop cappuccino. I'm off to Starbucks. Later.

NATHAN: Bye. This is good actually. Very sweet.

JACOB: Since princess left. I get to eat her croissant.

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